*캔버라 국립 수목원 [ Taylor Cullity Lethlean Landscape Architecture ] National Arboretum Canberra

캔버라 국립 수목원은 21세기 퍼블릭 가든의 의미를 새롭게 정의한다. 250헥타르에 이르는 대지위에 100가지 다양한 표정을 담는 100 포레스트는 전세계에서 멸종위기에 처한 각 수종들의 종자은행 역활과 지속성장 가능한 생태환경 조성을 목적으로 랜드스케이프 된다. 자연의 심미학적 아름다움은 각각 구역에 다른 테마; 지형, 수종의 특성을 고려한 그룹핑 형태로 조성되며 드라마틱한 시퀀스를 연출한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

In 2004 following devastating fires in January 2003 and inspired by Griffins’ vision for the National Capital, the ACT Government developed a proposal for an International Arboretum to be established on a 250 hectare site six kilometres from the centre of Canberra, at the western side of Lake Burley Griffin. In 2004 the ACT Government held an international design competition. - See more at: http://www.landezine.com/index.php/2014/04/national-arboretum-canberra-taylor-cullity-lethlean-landscape-architecture/#sthash.aYQvBmI1.dpuf

In 2004 following devastating fires in January 2003 and inspired by Griffins’ vision for the National Capital, the ACT Government developed a proposal for an International Arboretum to be established on a 250 hectare site six kilometres from the centre of Canberra, at the western side of Lake Burley Griffin. In 2004 the ACT Government held an international design competition.

Studio: Taylor Cullity Lethlean
Project name: National Arboretum Canberra
Year of Completion: 2013
Location: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Client: Shaping Our Territory Implementation Group, ACT Government
Project Team: Taylor Cullity Lethlean with Tonkin Zulaikha Greer and David Lancashire
Size and total area: 250 hectares
Photographer: John Gollings and Ben Wriggly
Awards: 2011 – AILA Victoria Medal for Landscape Architecture, 2011 – AILA VIctoria Award for Planning

The National Arboretum Canberra redefines the meaning of a public garden in the 21st Century. It comprises 100 forests of endangered tree species from around the world on a 250 hectare former fire ravaged site.

Growing out of the very real issues of sustainability, biodiversity and public environmental concern, the National Arboretum is a strategy, a program and an ongoing event, not a design chiefly based on aesthetics.

The 100 forests not only provide a unique experience – the pleasure of being enveloped in a forest of one species – but are also seed banks for the future. Each holds a viable population to preserve vulnerable and endangered species. The topography of the site informs the planning, with elements contrasting and harmonizing with the dramatic landform – nature and culture in juxtaposition. The 100 Forests, Clearings, Central Valley and Gardens form a set of contrasting spatial experiences and activity settings that complement each other to form a cohesive whole. Woven into the topography and purpose of the site, these spaces offer the Arboretum visitor a rich array of opportunities to experience and explore the significance of trees, plants and gardens in the contemporary world.

As it develops into the future, the National Arboretum will build links across the world, an exchange of knowledge and actual plant material that will work towards reversing the planet’s loss of biodiversity.

Artwork as well as ecology is a significant part of the Arboretum, based on the themes of regeneration on which the design is based.

The National Arboretum is a place of unequalled beauty and relevance, rich in both experiences and ideas.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY