*도시재생프로젝트, 도시정원 [ Latz + Partner ] Parco Dora

도시 재생프로젝트를 통해 재구성되는 어반보이드는 이전 공간의 함축적인 장소성과 현재 도시생활의 기능적 공간을 연결한다. 이러한 연장선상에 출발한 이전 제철소 자리는 그 거대한 철제기둥을 존치, 흔적을 남기며 도시주민들의 다양한 여가활동과 커뮤니티를 위한 도시공원으로 탈바꿈된다. 이를 통해 장소는 이전의 흔적들을 고스란히 현재의 이용자에게 투영하며 도시공간 구조내 새로운 교두보로 자리매김하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Just opposite the Olympic village and near the town centre of Torino formerly devastated spaces will be transformed into a large city park. The area is characterised by industrial monuments worth to be preserved as well as by the river Dora, that in the scope of the project „Torino, Città d‘Acqua” should be rediscovered for the city. Main themes of the project are the connections to the bordering quarters and the development of the new banks along the re-opened waterway.
International awards
The International Architecture Award 2012, Premio Architetture Rivelate 2012

Landscape Architecture: Latz + Partner
Team Members: Latz + Partner, STS S.p.A., Bologna, Ing. V. Cappato, Turin, Arch. C. Pession, Turin, U. Marano; Cetara, Pfarré Lighting Design
Location: Turin, Italy
Design year: 2004
Year of construction: 2004 – 2012
Area: 37 hectares

Ingest is the narrowest area of the park with the most design input. At the uppermost level carefully designed squares and promenades link into the adjacent builtup
areas and form the entrance points in the west of the park. Ramps and steps along six-metre high walls lead to the southern part, which offers space for many different activities as well as contemplation. The impressive substructure of the former laminating works was transformed into water gardens and the gutted building into a “hortus conclusus”, which screens the park from the road. A line of imposing steel columns supports the elevated walkway that leads across Via Borgaro to Vitali in the centre of the park. The elevated viewpoint reveals the harmonious interplay of sacred and industrial architecture – the seven towers, the industrial chimney that was transformed into the campanile at the new Santo Volto church by Mario Botta and the tall steel columns at Vitali.

The huge structure of the hall at the former Vitali steel mill forms the fascinating and vibrant centre of the park. After the outer skin and large sections of the roof had been dismantled, the 30-metre high red steel columns now look like a “futuristic jungle”. Lush vegetation and public life have taken over this artificial environment, the vast concrete towers and foundations are being turned into fantastic playgrounds. The section of the hall that still has a roof has become a sheltered multi-functional event space. In the north, the grid of the columns extends towards a large meadow with the trunks of flowering trees. The space within the park is contained by the wall of the new road tunnel. A broad promenade with pergolas and tree canopies links across it to the adjacent residential area. Not only does it provide a pleasant environment but also offers exceptional views of the landscape that has developed since the
demise of the industries. The Passerella crosses the steel heart of the park from the west, traverses the adjoining meadows and leads to the new “city balcony“. A wide ramp with tree planting along the tunnel wall connects the two levels of the park which are flanked by the impressive Vitali cooling towers. The towers and the slurry basins now hold clean water. They are part of the stormwater management system that collects rainwater from roofs and surfaces in open rills and channels, and stores it in pools and cisterns. A light installation projects the play of the waves onto the walls of the towers. Night-time illuminations turn the industrial monuments into widely visible landmarks and create a mysterious new world on the inside. The lower level of the “blue hall” is softly lit, light bands follow the walkway and trace the outline of the former hall.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY