*인피니티 크라운, 도심주거의 대안 [ koichi takada architects ] infinity by crown in sydney


변화하는 도시주거형태의 다양한 패턴들을 수용하는 복합주거공간 "인피니티 바이 크라운"은 인터네셔널 홀딩스 그룹, 크라운의 무한한 성장과 번영을 심볼릭한 형태로 디자인, 시드니의 새로운 그린스퀘어 어반케이트로 제안된다. 거주와 휴양의 막힘없는 소통은 스트리트 레벨의 보행자 및 차량의 움직임과 스카이라인의 어반컨텍스트를 투영한 건축물의 유연한 건축환경으로 통합된다. 도심주거의 새로운 타입폴로지는 여가, 휴양과 거주환경이 복합된 소통공간으로 두개의 루프스페이스를 통해 도시로 확장된다. -저층부 루프스페이스는 퍼블릭 플라자와 스트리트스케이프와 관계, 고층부 루프스케이프는 거주자를 위한 오픈스페이스와 편리한 거주환경 조성을 위해 제공된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

crown international holdings group  showcase their ambitious mixed-use, multi-residential complex designed by koichi takada architects, in sydney, australia. located at the gateway of the ‘green square’ in the city, the proposed scheme of ‘infinity by crown’ aims to engage the public through architecture and to become a seamless interchange of recreational and residential activities. constant pedestrian movement around the perimeter of the building, as well as activity and traffic flow, sculpt a fluid architectural form. the building thus becomes an entertaining landmark moreso than a static architectural skyscraper. thus, the structure becomes an interactive residential typology and is a symbol of a contemporary architectural influences with visions of future living.

the design features are represented in the blend of two loops; one designed to activate the public plaza and streetscape, the other providing amenity and open space for residents. the residential loop, oriented due north, allows for daylight and natural environment into the public loop and central courtyard throughout the year, making it an inviting and attractive space for all to gather. the continuing loop, as it tilts toward the plaza, defines and enhances the connection to the public domain and protection of the solar access to the adjacent green square plaza. the garden terraces provide a transition into the surrounding urban fabric and relate to the larger master plan of the area.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY