*컬러풀 스펙트럼 채플 [ a21 studio ] The Chapel

베트남 호치민 외곽, 새로운 위성도시에 위치한 채플은 지역주민들을 위한 커뮤니티센터로 다양한 지역행사를 지원한다. (특히 청소년들을 위한 놀이 및 학습공간으로 제공된다.) 컨퍼런스, 웨딩, 전시 또는 커피와 스낵을 즐기는 파티의 장소로 이용된다. 이러한 공간을 구획하는 건축은 스틸프레임과 메탈 시트를 이용, 합리적인 시공을 지향한다. (경량재를 이용한 건식은 공기단축과 경비를 절감한다.) 이러한 프레임은 40*80 스틸 기둥과 40*40 스틸브레이스로 구조화되며 화이트 메탈 시트로 최종 마감, 무균질한 백색공간을 생성한다. 또하나 무주공간의 추가적인 보강재 이자, 주변자연환경의 함축적인 건축어휘인 트리 스트럭쳐는 90*90 스틸바를 이용, 거대한 나무를 형상화하며 박공지붕을 지지한다. 그리고 상부에 설치된 다양한 컬러 커튼, 패브릭은 빛과 반응하며 컬러풀한 스펙트럼을 백색 공간; 채플 속에 투사함으로써 생동감 넘치는 커뮤니티 스페이스를 연출시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Chapel is a community space in a new urban ward on the outskirt of Hochiminh city, Vietnam. As the result of estate crisis, the surrounding area is lacking of communal centers; therefore, the Chapel is designed to be the place for people, especially the youth, to participate in activities such as conferences, weddings, exhibitions or enjoying a light coffee and snack.

Architects: a21 studio
Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Area: 140.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of a21 studio

Located in a 10x20m land rented in 10 years, The Chapel takes advantages of materials from the owner’s previous projects such as steel frames, metal sheets… Moreover, by using steel as the main structure material, it not only makes the foundation lighter, but also helps shorten the construction period than normal, and saving cost as well. The portal frame is made by dual 40×80 steel columns with 40×40 steel braces connecting to white painted metal sheets; so from a distance look, the building appears as a white chapel.

However, the available steels are not strong enough; columns and beams are considered to stabilize for the entire building. A tree shaped steel column with 90×90 steel bars is applied to be the only structure that appears inside the Chapel. This either gives an aesthetic look to the Chapel or saves more space on the ground for different activities. Inside, the chapel is the single space covered by a pure white. The multi-layer colorful curtains are orderly arranged and placed in the opens to add more colors to the entire space as well as soften the coldness of the metal frames. In addition to nature feelings, wood in its rustic look are also applied for floor and furniture besides the layouts of gardens around the building.

Finally, the Chapel is a community space for the youth in a new urban area. In order to adapt multiple operations and deal with short term rent, a steel portal frame supported by a single tree shaped column is employed. Additionally, colorful curtains and natural materials are used to boost the entire space.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY