*중정형 도심 공동 주거 [ Pablo Dellatorre ] City Block Center

아르헨티나 코도바 바리오 귀에메스에 위치한 중정형 공동주거, 시티 블록 센터는 스튜디오 및 주거가 혼합된 총 12세대로 젊은 예술가, 건축가, 디자이너, 사진작가, 음악가, 배우들을 위한 거주공간으로 제안된다. 이번 프로젝트의 가장 큰 주제인 도심공동생활은 내부 중심부에 위치한 중정과 이를 연결 및 구분시키는 테라스의 건축적 어휘를 통해 실현된다. 각 유닛을 버퍼하는 테라스의 슬라이딩 도어는 중정을 구성하는 조경과 마찬가지로 나뭇잎을 연상시키는 형태로 디자인 되며 내외부를 확장 및 소통시키는 주요한 수단으로 사용된다. 이는 각 주거공간을 디자인하는 자연소재의 마감재 -노출콘크리트와 오가닉형태의 목재로 마감된 인테리어-와 조화를 이루며 공동주거의 지향점을 확연하게 보여준다. 모던하며 세련된 공간이 주는 정직함을 포기하는 대신 자연이 선사하는 따뜻함과 내츄럴한 이미지를 선택함으로써 공동주거는 독창적인 캐릭터와 더불어 사는 즐거움을 거주자에게 선사한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Twelve studios / dwellings of 42m2 and 10m2 terrace make up ”City Block Center”. A building in the center of the block, in Barrio Guemes, , Argentina. Inhabited by a group of young artists, architects, designers, photographers, musicians, actors and publicists give it life. A few blocks from downtown and crossing an easement, is the access to the central courtyard of the complex where all the terraces from the apartments or studios overlook. This courtyard, decorated with vegetation, is crossed and divided into two by a semi translucent glass box containing the folded metal sheet stairs, leading to each of the units.

Architects: Pablo Dellatorre
Location: Montevideo 951, Córdoba, Córdoba Province, ,
Authors: Mar Pattochi
Project Area: 42.0 m2
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Gonzalo Viramonte

Text: Pablo Dellatorre / Collaborator: Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte

Despite its small areas, each studio has a terrace, materialized by timber openings with a screening designed by the author. These are floor to ceiling, sliding open to free the angle and generate a large amplitude of space and indoor / outdoor fluidity. This fluidity is based on the author’s idea of community housing.

The materialization was concrete. The reinforced concrete structure of slabs, beams and columns was left exposed, seeking for the rusticity that gives identity to the place. Circular columns increase the spatial fluidity, solid concrete slabs with a peculiar finish that can be seen in photographs.

The rest of the building, openings, components of the enclosures, railings, and everything else is dry and light construction. A metal structure is also developed to generate the private terraces and covered common circulations.

The interior facade is the single and most important one, as the project is between party walls. The guayubira wood envelope lining almost the entire facade on the three levels is the distinctive and authentic image of the place, creating situations of more or less privacy and constant changes in light and shadow. This wooden skin generates at night the lighting for the interior courtyards from inhabited units. This allows the building to have a steady indoor-outdoor relationship.

The terrace was intervened to close the project, there is the pool, a garden and a meeting space with bar / grill built from boards and phenolic residues that survived many concrete pours.

The site proposes the feeling of a beach inn more than a permanent residence.

GRONcho is the title of the building’s crown: a grill with a workers inspiration. This is now the meeting place around the fire for artists seeking inspiration in “City Block Center” and the place for more than one massive event.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY