*블랙 하우스 [ MDS ] Naruse House

도쿄 주거단지내 위치한 겸허한 단독주거 프로젝트는 외형적인 특징; 불에 그을린 목재(숯처리된)가 표현하는 쉬크함이 아닌 대지에 순응하는 거주공간 속에서 거주자의 쾌적함과 프라이버시를 확보하는 건축환경 구축에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 이웃한 건축물들과의 동질화된 형태 속에 자신만의 물성으로 독특한 캐릭터를 구현하는 주거는 내부 지향적인 수렴형 공간에서 발현되는 역동적인 내부를 통해 구체화되고 현실화된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Imaginative Residence Blends into Suburban Tokyo

The gable is such a familiar piece of the architectural vocabulary that its shape alone prompts us to imagine a range of other familiar pieces that probably lie beneath it. In a Tokyo suburb, Kiyotoshi Mori and Natsuko Kawamura of MDS take advantage of this familiarity in a clever trick, using a traditional, unassuming roof to conceal something altogether more complex.

The House’s unadorned exterior walls and square windows follow the roof’s modest profile, occasionally tapering and folding beneath it. These subtle transformations hint at irregularities on the interior and draw attention to an equally irregular plot of land, located at a three-point convergence of neighborhood streets.

Inside Naruse House, the architects create a microcosm of the site. Several spatial axes intersect, forming a dramatic, winged living space that mimics the irregular confluence of streets outside. Central to this space is a built-in dining table, the ‘high ground’ from which a terraced wood floor descends into the house, recalling the rolling landscape of suburban Tokyo.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY