*해변을 바라보다, 모 하우스 [ Gonzalo Mardones V ] Mo House

모하우스가 지향하는 건축환경은 내외부가 밀착된 환경 속에서 발현되는 지속성에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 칠레 해변가 나즈막한 언덕, 아름다운 수평선이 내려다 보이는 뷰포인트에 자리한 주거는 총 3개 레벨로 구성, 각 레벨마다 각기 다른 외부공간과의 밀첩한 관계성을 생성한다. 먼저 진입레벨; 주거의 미들레벨은 하우스의 공용공간이 포함된 메인 스페이스로 리빙룸과 다이닝룸 그리고 키친이 위치한다. 여기에 정원으로 직접 연결되는 그라운드 레벨과 하우스의 다이나믹한 시퀀스를 생성시키는 캔틸레버 레벨까지 주거의 레벨은 경사지와 함께 연속된다. 그리고 주거를 더욱 특별히 만드는 강화콘크리트는 티타늄 이산화합물을 추가한 내진설계 및 독특한 텍스쳐로 주거의 아이텐티를 배가 시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Mo House is located at an area of steep slope facing the sea coast of Chile in the commune of Zapallar.

The house is buried with clearly no intention to interrupt the wonderful view to the horizon from the public road, so it is accessed by stairs and ramps going deep into the mountain to discover again, from inside the house, the sea, coast and breaker.

Photography Nico Saieh

Mo House, Zapallar, Chile
Program: single-family house
Architect: Gonzalo Mardones V
Engineer: Ruiz y Saavedra
Lighting Designer: Paulina Sir
Completion: 2014

The access to the house is in the middle level, which contains the public areas of the house: living room, dining room and kitchen. The rooms are located on the ground floor with direct access to the garden; and the main room was designed to be at the upper floor, on a suspended volume that dominates the view and highlights the clear intention of the house to capture the horizon.

The house itself is a big x-axis which is evidenced by the suspended volume that gives measure. Each level of the house has terraces to be protected from the west sun and wind by large eaves and beams.

Reinforced concrete with added titanium dioxide was the only material used in this housing. The reinforced concrete allows the work to bury, structure in slope, and achieve great structural lights in a seismic country like Chile. Titanium dioxide added to the concrete allows bleaching of this and helps, like trees, to the elimination of toxic gases produced by vehicles.

The whole interior of the house has been painted white, with the clear intention of enhancing the natural lighting inside the house, which occurs through windows to the horizon and a series of skylights and light courtyards and ventilation. All the carpentry, windows and doors are made ​​of cedar.

The cover has been carefully worked as a fifth facade finished in white stone, as it is the main facade of the house from the external road. White color in stones of the facade was worked like proper white color of the sea breaker in the coast. In addition, the white roof leaves a bed of air between this one and the slab, protecting it from direct sun, airing it and influencing on the indoor temperature inside the house.

from  domusweb


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