*콘크리트 발코니 공동주거 [ Proyecto C ] Anchorena

작렬하는 남미의 태양으로 부터 내부 거주환경을 보호하기 위해 건축은 장중한 콘크리트와 이를 반복; 솔리드 / 보이드 시키는 디자인을 통하여 아이텐티한 지역적 공간을 창출한다. 콘크리트 그리고 수평으로 긴 발코니로 특징되는 공동주거의 4미터마다 셋백된 형상은 긴처마를 통한 직사광선 유입 방지와 각 세대의 야외공간 확보를 동시에 만족시킨다. 세대구성은 1층부터 3층까지 플랫타입으로 각 층마다 4세대가 위치하며 그 위로 2개층에 걸친 듀플렉스타입 6세대가 위치한다. 공동주거의 소셜보장을 위한 공용부는 지면부에 위치, 19대 주차장과 풀장 및 선데크, 탈의실로 구성된다. 꾸밈없는 건축의 조금은 터프한 매력이 지역적 특성을 배가 시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The project is in a site in La Lucila with a double facade. It is a concrete volume that through a four meter lateral setback, allows us to develop 4 units per floor on the first three floors and 6 duplex units on the fourth and fifth floors.

Architects: Proyecto C
Location: Doctor Tomás Anchorena 757, Buenos Aires Province,
Architects In Charge: Sebastián Cseh, Juan Cruz Catania
Design Team: Julia Méndez, Lucas Mc Lean, Mariano Luchetti
Project Area: 20650.0 m2
Project Year: 2012
Photographs: Gustavo Sosa Pinilla

Structure Engineer: Pedro Gea

In the front and back, the units are oblong and have two bedrooms, with three window panes and three rails that allow the integration of the exterior with the social area of the apartment. The units facing the side setback have terraced expansions with an individual barbecue.

The building is expressed as it is. The concrete structure is left exposed, forming a play of cantilevers, solids and voids, depressions clad with Venetian mosaic, tensions between brackets and beams that do not touch, etc. The facades are completed with aluminum windows and a steel railing that runs on the three sides of the building. In the party wall there are two patios that allow a semi-covered circulation on each floor. The circulation was designed in an playful way, with a graphic design of large fonts and green as a contrasting color with the party wall plastered with a black texture.

The ground floor is open and is given a careful architectural treatment. It has 19 car spaces and common services in the back (swimming pool, sundeck and changing room) that by a set of circular beds gains privacy to enjoy the interior of the block. The ceiling has circular light grooves that replicate the diameters of the beds in the other horizontal plane of the plan. Towards the street, the space ends with a wooden fence/gate that generates a controlled permeability. From the street, it appears as a wooden gate that over time, will look increasingly like the concrete of the project.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY