도시를 상징하는 또다른 이정표가 제안된다. 원 센트럴 파크의 또다른 이름 버티컬 그린은 시드니 도심 재개발 사업의 일환으로 도심 거점 공간 생성을 위한 교두보 생성; 랜드마크 창출과 도심내 버티컬 라이프에 걸맞는 하이퀄리티 거주공간을 위해 제안된다. 이를 위해 빌딩의 파사드는 각 거주유닛의 개인 정원 및 야외공간을 제공하는 발코니가 랜덤한 퍼즐형태로 구성되며, 거대한 수직정원으로 마주한 센트럴 파크와 함께 도시의 이정표를 형성하게 된다. 특히 두개의 건물사이에 설치된 헬리오스테이츠-일광반사장치-는 건축물의 외형적 특징을 배가시키는 동시에 건축물 사이, 영구음영지대로 자연광을 전달하며 각 주거의 거주성을 확보한다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
One Central Park is the iconic centerpiece of the redevelopment of the Carlton & United Brewery site in Sydney, supporting the underlying master plan assumption that Sydney’s best locations for vertical living are near major inner city traffic nodes.
More importantly though, by lifting the building mass off the ground and concentrating it along Broadway, space is released for a new public park.
Program: residential building
Architects: Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Architect of record: PTW Architects
Green Walls: Patrick Blanc
Completion: 2014
The first design challenge is to give this pivotal new park a real presence at an urban scale. Because OCP is a high rise, it is possible to bring the park up into the sky along its facades and make it visible in the city at a distance. On the South side, the park rises in a sequence of planted plateaus that are scattered like puzzle pieces in randomized patterns across the facades, so that each apartment has not only a balcony, but also its own piece of the park.
At the individual scale this creates pleasant private gardens and at a collective scale, a green urban sculpture. In this way, the building offers a flower to each resident and a bouquet to the city. On the North, East and West sides, the green takes more continuous veil-like appearances with green walls, continuous planter bands and climbing vegetation. The plants deliver a message of sustainability, and because their shade reduces energy consumption for cooling and their leaves trap carbon dioxide, they also effectively make the building more sustainable.
The second design challenge arises from the tall massing along the North side of the site. In order to remediate overshadowing of the park, the volume is broken up into a lower and a taller tower. On the roof of the lower tower, 42 heliostats (sunlight tracking mirrors) redirect sunlight up to 320 reflectors on a cantilever off the taller tower, which then beam the light down into areas that would otherwise be in permanent shade.
The system adapts hourly and seasonally to the need for brightness and warmth, so that the dappled lights move on the ground in a precisely programmed choreography. At night, the heliostat becomes a monumental urban chandelier and appears in the dark sky like a floating pool of tiny LED lights that merge into a giant screen and simulate reflections of glittering harbour waters.
Four strategies to help improve Sydney’s carbon footprint have been applied: OCP creates apartments where they’re really needed, near the city’s main job market in the nearby central business district; it improves the usually poor energy performance of residential high rises to meet a rating of at least five under the Australian Green Star standards and achieve a 25% reduction in energy consumption compared to the average; a system of 5km long linear slab edge planters function like permanent shading shelves and reduce thermal impact in the apartments by up to 30%; in addition to its TriGen Power Plant, OCP feature a system of solar power.
from domusweb
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