*복층형 아파트먼트 리뉴얼 [ Point Supreme Architects ] Nadja Apartment in Athens, Greece

그리스 아테네에 위치한 Nadja아파트먼트 리노베이션은 아이를 포함한 싱글 훼밀리의 안락한 거주환경 제공을 위해 건축스튜디오, Point Supreme가 디자인한다. 구분된 기존 두개의 레벨공간은 아파트 내부, 신설된 계단실을 통해 연결되는 복층형 거주공간으로 탈바꿈한다. 전체 아파트의 포컬 포인트로 제안되는 이 커스텀 계단실은 건축의 작은 요소로 두개의 공간; 거실과 주방을 연결하는 동시에 구분하는 매개체로 적용된다. 이와같은 디자인은 오픈플랜의 효과적인 파티션 역활은 물론 공간의 연속성에 대한 비쥬얼적인 환경을 생성하는데 의의가 있다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Architecture studio Point Supreme has designed this bright and cheerful apartment for a family with young children in Athens, Greece. Dubbed the Nadja Apartment, the house used to be two separate flats, which were renovated and connected with a staircase in the middle. The focal point of the entire apartment, this custom-designed staircase construction is a small piece of architecture in itself which both connects and separates the kitchen from the living room. In a similar way, other custom-made constructions were introduced, efficiently separating the different areas of the open-plan first floor while still creating visual connections between them. Upstairs, the playful treatment of colour continues, with colourful details on the doors and a large pink rising sun at the top of the staircase. We love how this house even has a small yoga studio next to the kitchen which is also ideal for children’s activities!

Name: Nadja Apartment
Type: Residential
Area: 270m2
Location: Athens, Greece
Architect: Point Supreme Architects
Team:  Konstantinos Pantazis, Marianna Rentzou, Leonardos Katsaros, Lefteris Dousis
PM & construction: KN Group, Konstantinos Stratantonakis   
Completed: 2014

from  yazter


Designed by JB FACTORY