*공원 내 드럼 파빌리온 [ GH3 ] Drum-like pavilion in a Canadian city park

마치 거대한 드럼같은 파빌리온의 거울 입면은 주변과 건축물을 주야간 다른 장면으로 동기화 시킨다.

토론토 지역, 스튜디오 GH3의 설계작 보덴파크 파빌리온은 공원 내 휴게공간 제공을 목적으로 다음과 같은 시설이 배치된다. 공용화장실과 자판기 그리고 대화를 나눌 수 있는 좌석공간이 실린더 내부에 배치된다. 파빌리온의 외형적 특징을 적나라하게 보여주는 입면은 더글라스사의 라미네이트 판넬과 트러스구조가 짝을 이룬 드럼과 같은 장면을 연출한다. 이와같은 외형은 이전에 자리했던 연주대와 carousel를 은유적으로 표현하는 디자인 컨셉으로 공원 내 완만한 산책로의 곡선주로를 유도하는 시각적인 장치를 겸한다.

주야간 다른 얼굴, 주변을 반사 자연 속으로 사라지는 주간과 달리 조명을 통해 내부로 부터 외부로 뻗어나가는 야간의 장면은 드럼과는 다른 거대한 랜턴을 연상시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The mirrored glass surface of this park pavilion in Edmonton, Canada, helps the structure merge with its surroundings during the day and glow from within at night.
Borden Park Pavilion was designed by Toronto studio GH3 to accommodate public toilets and vending machines within its cylindrical core, while the gap between this core and the facade accommodates a small seating area.
A truss framework made from laminated Douglas fir zigzags around the edge of the circular building, giving it the appearance of a drum.
The architects said that the pavilion's circular shape was intended as a reference to a bandstand and carousel that previously occupied the site, as well as to the curving walkways that cuts through the park.
"The building recalls the iconic geometry of classical parks and pavilions, given the surrounding curving paths and loose axial relationships, typical of the traditional English school of landscaping," they said.
The truss framework is sheathed in a cladding of highly reflective glass panels that mirror the surroundings, helping to reduce the building's visual presence in the park during the day.

Photography is by GH3's Raymond Chow.

Architects: GH3
Client: The City of Edmonton
Structural engineer: Chernenko Engineering Ltd
Mechanical engineer: Vital Engineering Corporation
Electrical engineer: AB Electrical Engineering Inc

The arrangement of the flat triangular panels creates a faceted surface that produces distorted reflections.
At night, when strip lights encircling the slightly off-centre core are switched on, the glass seems to disappear and the building's interior can be clearly seen from outside.
The architects chose to employ a simple material palette of glass, wood and concrete to ensure a robust building that evokes the park's previous and existing public architecture.
"The structural ambition of the design emphasises the use of rough whitewashed laminated timbers, whose rich patina and spatial arrangement recall the iconic structures and materiality of the park's history while foregrounding the sustainable character of the building," they said.
At the widest point of the open interior space, a group of tables embedded in the concrete floor provide a place to perch and look out across the park.
Window benches built into the base of the framework are evenly spaced around the circumference to offer alternative places to relax and enjoy the scenery.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY