*버터플라이 브릿지 [ DFA ] Butterfly bridge

Christianshavns운하와 Trangraven을 연결하는 3개의 길다란 다리; 버터플라이 브릿지는 수면위를 부유하는 별의 형태로 인상적인 장면을 연출한다. 여기 인상적인 장면은 독립적으로 개폐가 가능한 2개의 브릿지 운용을 통하여 연출된다. -다리는 상하로 스윙운동하며 각 블록의 보행로를 연결하는 동시에 수상교통로를 확보한다. 싱글웹으로 구성된 T-빔은 전체 브릿지를 지지하는 주요한 구조체로 적용되며, 부식방지를 위해 사다리꼴 내부에 용접, 밀폐된다. 그리고 상부 브릿지(가동구조물)은 두개의 독립적인 브릿지 플랩과 하부에 설치된 유압실린더를 통하여 가동된다. 재미있는 점은 운동성의 발란스를 조절하는 카운터웨이트 없이 움직임을 보정하는 것은 것인데, 이는 무게중심; 회전축으로 부터 멀어 질 수록 구조물의 유효단면적을 감소시킴으로써 발란스를 보정한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The link across Christianshavns Kanal and Trangraven is designed as three linear bridge spans that meet above the water’s surface in a star shape.

Two of the spans can be opened independently of each other. When the moving spans are up they serve as barriers which means that the bridge always functions to and from Plads Islands.

Butterfly bridge over Christianshavns Kanal and Trangraven, Copenhagen
Program: bridge
Architects: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Engineerign: Wtm Engineers
Areodynamic studies: Schippke
Cost: 4.7 M€
Lenght: 63 m
Completion: 2015

The main structure of the steel bridge consists of a singleweb, continuous T-beam. The beam web, which extends over the entire bridge, is built of a trapezoidal hollow section, hermetically welded to protect it from corrosion. The bridge deck is composed of an orthogonal anisotropic plate construction.

The moveable superstructure is formed of two individual bridge flaps. A counterweight to support the process of motion is not provided. Towards the flap tip the construction height decreases again to pass to the standard cross-section.

The anchor point of the hydraulic cylinder is about 5 m from the axis of rotation. The axis of rotation and its support are part of the central pedestal. The hydraulic cylinders are stored on the pile cap of the center landing. When closed, the flap tip rests on the opposite shore-side bridge.

The bridge is supported by elastomeric bearings and is brought into the correct position by a centering element in the middle in the process of movement. When closing the bridge two Oleo buffers are provided in addition to the elastomeric bearings.

The entire onshore connection is realized as a very light and removable design, so that in the event of a general overhaul of the existing shore walls and an envisaged widening of the road on the embankment beside the north abutment, the onshore ramp can be easily removed and modified.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY