*인포메이션 센터 [ JOLY&LOIRET ] Information Centre for the Parc Naturel Régional Du Gâtinais

Milly-la Forêt, 역사적인 마을을 소개하는 방문자센터는 지역 건축양식과 지역적 특색(지역환경을 투영한)을 고려한 건축환경을 구현한다. 거리풍경과 대화하는 입면, 엷은 회색 석재로 마감된 연속적인 외벽을 포함, 박공지붕, 석재 바닥과 배수관로, 나무로 만들어진 게이트와 셔터, 타일시공된 지붕을 통해 기존 마을건축을 함축, 마을을 소개한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사


For our project for an information centre for the Parc Naturel Régional du Gâtinais Français in the historic town of Milly-la Forêt, we worked with regional typologies and local vernacular: uninterrupted walls of pale grey stones, streetscapes of alternating facades and gables, stone floors and drainage channels, wooden gates and shutters, flat-tiled roofs, zinc gutters and drainpipes.


Architects: JOLY&LOIRET
Location: , France
Design Team: Cferm Mep And Environmental Consultant, Evp Structural Engineer, V. Pourtau Quantity Surveyor
Area: 1000.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Courtesy of JOLY&LOIRET

We also made reference to drying sheds for aromatic plants, to the Gâtinais countryside and the cultivation of plants for flavours, colours and remedies; wild landscapes or farmed landscapes like our garden.



















from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY