*어린이를 위한 놀이터, 유치원 프로젝트 [ HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro ] OB Kindergarten and Nursery

자라나는 아이들에게 제일 중요한 교육환경은 놀이를 통한, 즉 직접 몸으로 체득하는 생태환경 구축이 필요하다. 오비 유치원&보육원은 이러한 지향점과 건축환경을 일치 시키며, 대지의 특성(해변가에 마주한 12미터 고저차)과 유치원 프로그램을 반영한 건축물 배치를 계획한다. 어린이 눈높이에 맞추어진 건축, 공간은 다양한 움직임과 놀이 제공 및 내부 곳곳을 그들만의 아지트로 디자인한다.

박공 형태로 커팅된 작은 동굴(?)속에 자리한 칠판과 책장, 아이들만이 통과할 수 있는 작고 긴 계단통로와 여기에 설치된 로프 및 오름바, 바다로 열린 옥상데크에 설치된 루프 네트와 같이 다양한 요소가 삽입된다.

바다로 향한 건축환경은 저층부에 자리한 아웃도어&인도어 식당테라스와 식당홀의 확장된 공간에 적용된다. 아이들을 위한 카운터는 음식예절에 대한 교육과 부모들의 강한 연계성 확보를 위해 제공된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The site is located in the area where rias coastline followed. Calm sea spread to the south, and there is a mountain that can feel the power of nature. You can feel the earth, building of the kindergarten that opens to the sea.


Architects: HIBINOSEKKEI, Youji no Shiro
Location: , Prefecture, Japan
Photographs: Studio Bauhaus, Ryuji Inoue

Site Area: 2704.36sqm
Surface Area: 1458.38sqm
Building Area: 864.35sqm

There is a difference in height of 12m on the site. Children have been devised to be able to feel the eyes and signs each other while taking advantage of this step. The building layout and flow line plan is planed according to transportation and childcare programs particularly.

In addition, in order to encourage a diverse movement of children, we have a place making, such as born a variety of operation with the body in the building. For example, while providing many small steps, it attracts children with the small cave, wall-painting blackboard and bookshelf, and the material of the floor makes children’s mood changes. Also, by providing an elongated stairs of the extent to which children can pass, there is a loft that go up with ropes and climbing bars. Ahead of the roof that pass through this elongated stairs, there is a deck terrace open towards the sea, it is as if floating in the sea. And there is an external rope play equipment connected to the second floor from the terrace, there is a migratory. Through such movement, it improve the physical strength and attentiveness, and grow a challenging mind.

Moreover, we believe that art activities is important element to grow the sensibility. By providing a glazed special room that is easy to see and understand then children can concentrate even more interested.

Furthermore, there are external and integral dining terrace facing the dining atrium, which create the atmosphere of a building that is open to the sea. By providing the children’s counter, it makes opportunities of food education through serving, and also be easy to use for neighborhood and parents have given the strong links.


























from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY