*맨숀 테라본 [ La SHED architecture ] Maison Terrebonne

풍부한 산림지대에 위치한 90년대 방갈를 새롭게 리노베이션 합니다. '맨숀 테레본'으로 다시 태어납니다. 기존 공간을 바탕으로 현대적 생활이 가능한 거주공간 확보와 고유한 캐릭터 생성을 목적으로 합니다. 140sqm 크지도 작지도 않은 면적이지만, 확장된 상부층을 포함, 오픈-플랜으로 구성된 주생활공간은 거주자의 요구조건들을 만족시키며 모던함을 무기로 완성됩니다. 순수한 백색을 바탕으로 사적공간과 공용공간은 명확히 분리, 각자 기능에 충실한 공간을 생성합니다. 이는 솔리드와 보이드; 건축어휘를 통한 명확한 볼륨으로 강렬하며 명확한 오픈공간을 완성, 막힘없는 시야와 풍부한 자연채광을 거주공간을 깊숙히 유도하는 디자인을 완성합니다. 여기에 주변 나무들과 유사한 삼나무 판넬을 외부마감재로 사용, 장소를 연속하는 효과를 만듭니다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Born from an extreme transformation of a typical 90’s bungalow, the Maison Terrebonne is located on a vast wooded plot of land in Québec, Canada.

Although certainly contemporary, the new residence is built on the same foundations as the original house while preserving one of its principal characteristics; split levels. This principle is at the very heart of this building’s new architecture.

Program: single-family house
Architects: La SHED architecture
Area: 140 sqm
Completion: 2014

This thorough building overhaul, in combination with a larger upstairs, was designed in order to meet the needs of a person living alone. Despite a small 140 square meters living space, the residence offers vast open rooms with an abundance of natural lighting.

The house now features three split levels that are each designed for a distinct set of functions that help establish a clear hierarchy between intimate and communal zones. These zones are designed to be very open in relation to each other and are only divided by the threshold created by the flights of stairs.

Directly accessible from the carport and at the same height as the ground outside is the first of three levels that contains both the entrance vestibule as well as a small office.

At the crossroads of the three levels is located a pure white block that naturally reinforces the intimacy between zones and around which gravitates circulation within the home. This block has a powerful effect on the upper portion of each level as a result of it being unattached to the ceiling, which allows for both an unobstructed line of sight and opulent natural lighting.

The exterior is covered in natural eastern cedar siding that will fade over time to eventually further bear a resemblance to the bark of trees in the surrounding woods. Simple openings surrounded by black frames serve to punctuate the sheer volume of the house.

The former garage has been replaced with a covered parking space that’s open on either end, and thus gives the impression that it was emptied. This openness creates a sense of transparency that, like all large openings, provides the space for nature to reclaim its place.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY