*현대적 감각과 고전적 미학의 만남- 오스트리아 가족예배당 [ Sacher.Locicero.Architectes ] Maria Magdalena family chapel

백 색 콘크리트로 지어진 가족 예배당인 Maria Magdalena는 건축가 Gerhard Sa가 설계했는데, 이곳은 아주 멋진 건축적 요소를 갖추고 있다. 건축업체는 이곳을 독창적이면서도 시간을 초월하는 공간감을 창조하면서 동시에 '마음과 신뢰, 그리고 건축에 대한 깊은 이해'를 증명했다.

이 건물에서는 가족의 의식과 축복의 행사들이 이루어지고, 평온함과 묵상을 누릴 수 있다. 이 건축학적 작품은Magdalensberg 언덕(오스트리아 남부, 그라츠의 서남서 약 40km 에 있는 고대도시의 유적)과 Hochosterwitz 성의 시거(sighting distance)안에서 근대적인 랜드마크가 되었다. 

방 문객은 웅장하고 둥글면서도 약간은 절개된 자갈로 이루어진 앞마당을 접근하게 된다. 앞마당에는 백색 콘크리트로 지어진 건물이 있는데, 유리가 그 안을 절개하듯 넣어져 있는데 기본적으로 현대적 방식으로 고전적 성당을 만들어낸 형태라고 해석해 볼 수 있다. 흠 한점 없이 매끄러운 형태의 백색 콘크리트는 특별하면서도 인조적인 미학과 순결함을 이 건물에 부과하고 있다.

다양한 빛과 날씨의 조건들은 그 색을 변화시키면서 표면의 인상을 달라지게 만든다. 창문들은 다양한 색의 유리층으로 구성되어 있으며 창세기의 첫 6일을 묘사하고 있다. 광대하면서도 하얀 내부벽들은 문화적인 풍경으로 둘러싸여져 있으며, 밝은 명상 공간은 평화로움과 순결함을 반영하고 있다.

내 부는 단순하면서도 동시에 다양함을 나타낸다. 공간을 형성하는 재질은 크림과 베이지 색 온천 침전물로 만들어진 타일로  바닥을 구성하였다. 예배당의 직사각형 레이아웃에서 딱 한발자국만 더 올라가면 교회당 내부 중앙 부분은 성가대를 위한 공간으로 변한다.

reviewed by ZH,오사

Sacher.Locicero.Architectes have designed the Maria Magdalena family chapel, located in Zollfeld, Austria.

The family chapel Maria Magdalena by the architect Gerhard Sacher is a spectacular sculptural object made of white concrete ( SCC “self compacting concrete“). The constructers have proved a great portion of heart, trust and deep understanding for architecture in having created this project of an exceptional, timeless spaciousness, in which family ceremonies and festivities take place and where tranquillity, contemplation and remembering can be experienced in a unique setup.


Photography by Paul Ott

In a sighting distance to the Magdalensberg hill and the Hochosterwitz castle, the piece of architecture represents a modern landmark as an expressive symbol of an artless form language.

The visitor approaches the spacious, round, slightly descending gravel forecourt via gently sloping access ramp. In the forecourt, there is the building from white concrete and glass incised in it, and the base elements interpret the form of a classical chapel in a contemporary way. The immaculate, smoothly formed white concrete provides this piece of architecture with a special, artificial-like aesthetics and purity.

Various light and weather conditions change the colour and surface impressions from a glowing, glossy white to a cold, matt white blue of the dawn, through which there are innumerable shadings and textures to be observed.

The ridge of the gable roof is 7,78 meters high. In the side walls, there are transversely cut-it window slots, three on each side. The transversal cuttings of the windows are positioned in line with the sun rays incidence, so that the morning and/or evening sunshine hits the coloured vitrification made by prof. Karl-Heinz Simonitsch, a Carinthian artist.

The windows are made of multi-colour glass layers and depict the six days of the genesis. The east-side front with full-size glazing and the outside bronze cross by JaromirGargulak, a Czech artist, represents the last day of the genesis. The opposite, towards the forecourt situated, massive, bronze, two-wing gate is handmade by the same Czech artist and can be wide opened integrating the forecourt, und thus offer room for those standing outside.

The massive, white side walls inside shield the abundance of the surrounding cultural landscape and creates a bright, contemplative space radiating peace and purity. The fully glazed east-side offers the sight of the dark bronze cross against the Magdalensberg on the horizon building the spiritual connection to the outside.

    The interior is deliberately simple and variable at the same time. The formative element of the space is the floor made of cream and beige travertine tiles. Just a single step in the rectangular layout of the chapel marks the transition from the chapel nave to its choir.

    The walls along the choir include rectangular niches – on the right, there is a larger slot with the statue of Maria Magdalena, the patron saint of the chapel, and on the left, there are 12 smaller urn slots. On the left, in between the coloured windows, there are insusceptible fold-out banks made of white washed oak that are flush mount in the concrete wall.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY