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벨기에, woluwe-saint-pierre시립 도서관의 특유한 외관은 주변을 연결하는 매개공간; 구두점을 위한 캐릭터 창출을 위해(랜드마크 생성을 위해) 디자인 됩니다. 마주한 캠퍼스을 포함한 교육시설과 주변 주거단지를 매개하는 동시에 노드 포인트로써 도서관은 주변 자연환경으로 특별한 장소성을 구현합니다. 내부공간 구성은 이러한; 지역 소셜활동의 거점을 위해 유연하며 기능적인 공간을 내부 책장 및 선반의 배치와 창문의 은율적 디자인에 따라 구성됩니다.

in the woluwe-saint-pierre municipal in belgiam, plus office architects have designed the country’s first passive house library. setting a new standard for environmentally and energy efficient public structures, the distinctive building is recognized by its shimmering gold cladding. 

the library operates as the front of a school campus, while linking the educational facilities to the neighborhood and its residents. seen from afar, the building nestles in-between a wooded area among a residential neighborhood. wrapped completely in golden, metal panels, the design has historic references to the golden letters seem on old manuscripts dating back to the middle ages. secondly, the façade was chosen to reflect its surroundings while radiating a golden glow which is framed by its green context.

internally, the spatial organization follows a grid which has influenced the layout of shelving and even the rhythm of windows. promoted as a welcoming space for exchanging ideas and dialogue, the interiors have been kept neutral and functional – more modest on then its exterior– with generous space and circulation due to the evolution of the relationship between technology and libraries.

central to the plan is the patio garden that regulates the heat and daylight needed for the building energy consumption and allows for outdoor reading. achieving the ‘passive house’ construction standard, the extremely low energy consumption of the building is due to energy features such as heat pump, photo-voltaic panels and heavy insulation which has in turn, lead the project to win the exemplary building 2014 award by the brussels capital region.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY