*커뮤니티 센터 [ Yasunari Tsukada design ] Sanjo Hokusei Community Center

일본 가가와현 타카마쓰, 오래된 주거단지내 지역 소셜활동 증대를 위해 '미팅 플레이스'가 개설됩니다. 주변을 고려한 건축의 크기는 이웃한 주거와 비슷한 두개의 블록으로, 구성됩니다. 주변과의 조화를 위해 축소된 건물은 마을내 집과 집을 연결하는 수많은 골목길을 은유적으로 표현하는 중앙 현관을 통해 미팅룸과 부대시설으로 나뉘게 됩니다. 상징적 뉘앙스보다는 적절함으로 주변과 동기화 되는 건축의 겸손함을 잘 보여주는 사례 입니다.

Sanjo-cho is a densely-built old residential area in Takamatsu City, Kagawa. Our project was to make a “meeting place” for local residents to get together.

The site within the built-up town is surrounded by a number of alleys. What we tried to do was to create the center in the town, relevant to these alleys and houses.

We divided the community center into a “meeting room” and “other functions” so that we have a commmunity center that looks like two small houses next to each other, in stead of having one big building that would stand out too much. By separating, we were able to downsize each building and harmonize the buildings with their surroundings. 

Between two buildings is a door. From the entrance, the garden behind the glass-made connecting passage can be seen through-the sight gives you the same impression as the alleys around. Significant amount of sunight was additional gain from the gap between two buildings.

The buildings were deliberately designed smaller than houses in their neighborhood, which then created space and alleys in the densely-built community. The result was modest but symbolic community center, to which local people would feel attachement for long.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY