*메탈 파이프 램프 hagai vered uses metal pipe-squashing techniques to join lamp components

기능적인 단순함. 메탈 파이프 램프 디자인을 이야기하는 컨셉

the ‘squashed metal lamp’ is a product designed by tel aviv-based designer hagai vered were he takes his obsession with making minimal, simple, and functional joints, to join and blend metal pipes. in his studio, hagai researches different ways to manipulate various types of pipes and the diverse ways to transform lighting fixtures and furniture.

the lamp is manufactured from brass and stainless steel and is the first piece of a series of table lamps designed by hagai vered. a powerful LED strip was installed inside the pipe, giving a warm and strong light that illuminates spaces in a cozy way. in order to keep the lamp balanced, a weight has been placed on its back side.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY