*박공 파빌리온 [ zai shirakawa ] shingle-clad N village

해안가 마을 재생사업. 엔빌리지 프로젝트는 지진으로 훼손된 마을의 물리적인 건축환경과 경제활동 복원을 목적으로 한다. 다섯개의 박공지붕으로 이루어진 개별 건축물은 까페와 서핑숍 그리고 미팅공간으로 구성, 로컬 커뮤니티와 외부인들의 다양한 행사를 지원한다. 단순함 속에 반복적인 건축적 음율은 공간의 쓰임새에 따라 다른 비례로 디자인되며, 전면에 위치한 데크로 연속성과 확장성을 보장받는다.

‘N village’ is a japanese architecture project shown as a collection of archetypal huts set by the ocean edge of east coast japan. designed by zai shirakawa architects & associates, the series of five varying sized structures individually host different programs including a cafe, surf shop and a meeting space, all of which located in otsuchi – a place renowned for surfing. the architecture sits on a raised platform and the uniform proposal adopts a pre-fabricated approach making the structures easily configurable to different programs. the original site was damaged from the devastating earthquake a few years ago and after winning a competition, N village was realized.

location : iwate
use : meeting place, shop
completion : 2015/12
structure : timber
number of stories : 2 storey
site area : 1662.00m2
building area : 216.10m2
architectural area : 276.85m2
structure : tatsumi terado structural studio
photography : koji fujii / © nacása & partners inc

the tokyo-based architects chose to wrap the buildings with a timber shingled envelope. furthermore, three of the five pavilions are organized purposely with a spacious gap in-between to encourage an outdoor terrace and socialization between neighbors. orientated to face the sea and receive maximum daylight, the larger two of the structures is connected and organised across two levels with the architectural element centrally located, thus directing light, circulation, and movement throughout.


Designed by JB FACTORY