*농가리모델링 베이글 하우스 [ ROOVICE ] transparent bagel shop

해안가 작은 마을에 새로운 베이글 가게가 문을 엽니다.이전 낚시용품 창고는 지역경제 활성화를 위해 작은 베이커리 카페로 변신합니다. (지역에서 생산되는 밀을 사용합니다.)

외부로 노출된 내부공간과 고목은 공간의 기억을 적나라하게 노출합니다. 여기에 새롭게 더해진 백색공간이 현대적인 공간과 기능을 뒷받침합니다. 낡음은 고유한 캐릭터를 생성합니다.

architecture in japan: yokohama-based architects ROOVICE have renovated a former fishing supplies warehouse into a bagel shop for the small coastal city of miura. with only a population of 1300, the architecture project was initiated due to the local’s concern for the declining population and people visiting the city.

aiming to attract people from elsewhere with a unique delicacy only available from miura, the architects transformed the space into bakery café where locals can sell bagels baked from locally grown wheat and ingredients. for the construction, the memorable design introduces a sense of brightness and clarity into the existing rural fabric. the original envelope was replaced with transparent polycarbonate panels – allowing the interiors of the shop to be visible from the outside. the original exposed timber frame complement the white and simple furnishings which aims to bring the surroundings into the interior.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY