*상해, 오랜 공장을 전시관으로 리노베이션-[ Archi-Union Architects ] Shanghai warehouse into ceramicist's atelier

Archi-Union는, 낡은 콘크리트와 벽돌로 만들어진 공장 건물의 꼭대기에 작은 나무 조각들로 된 가로장을 확장해보기로 했다. 

전시회 공간으로 리노베이션 하기로 결정하면서, 오래된 공장을 그 원래 건물이 가진 특성을 잃지 않으면서 새로운 공간으로 재탄생시켜야 하는 숙제를 디자이너는 해결해야 했다. 그렇게 해서, 기존의 벽돌과 콘크리트를 그대로 내외부적으로도 분명히 가시화 하면서 여기에 작은 나무들로 대들보를 세운 듯한 펴면을 상단에 덧붙임으로써 외부면을 통해 그대로 채광을 허용하고 동시에 가시적으로도 부담이 가지 않을 정도의 면적을 더하는 효과를 냈다.

Archi-Union Architects has added a slatted timber extension on top of an old concrete and brick factory building in Shanghai, turning it into a showroom and workspace for a ceramic artist.

Photography is by Shengliang Su, unless otherwise stated.

The formerly derelict building is located within the Wuwei Creative Industry Park, on the site of a former chemical-fibre factory. Archi-Union Architects, which also has its offices in the park, oversaw its transformation into the Ceramic House.

The artist requested a building with an exhibition space, a reception area for visitors, an office and a patio. The challenge was creating these spaces without losing the character of the original building.

"In the face of the ground situation there were a few old buildings and a big tree," said Archi-Union.

"We hope they can become a representation of the memory, jointly retained as part of a new building, rather than simply being roughly removed and replaced by a new object."

The remains of the original brick and concrete structure are clearly visible both externally and internally.

New windows inserted into existing openings in the facades provide plenty of natural light and opportunities to display the artworks.

The new upper storey is lined with vertical slats of red cedar, creating a homogenous yet permeable box that appears to rest lightly on its masonry base.

The slatted surfaces are intended to reduce the visual mass of the new addition and allow light from inside to glow through the facade.

At one end of the site, a tree helps to screen a covered terrace on the first floor from a nearby path. It also enables dappled sunlight to reach the office and studio space on this level.


Designed by JB FACTORY