*일본 나고야의 공동거주주택-[ Naruse Inokuma Architects ] Share House LT Josai

일본기업인 Naruse Inokuma 건축회사는 최근 나고야에 공동거주주택을 건설하였는데 이 주택에는 거주민들이  서로 다른 방식으로 소통하기 위해 먹고 요리하고 휴식을 취할 수 있는 소통의 공간이 갖춰져 있다.

건축사에서 말하길, 이 건물은 서로 인척관련이 없는 개인들이 부엌과 주요 생활 공간 및 욕실을 공유하는 주택에 대한 일본 내 수요가 늘어나고 있기에 이에 대한 수렴으로 설계된 것이라고 설명한다. 대다수의 집이란 현재 존재하는 물질에 적응하기 마련이지만, 이 집은 소통의 주거와 서로 서로가 자연스럽게 공간을 지속적으로 공유하기 위해 완전한 타인을 완성하기 위한 요구를 원칙으로 새롭게 지어진 공간이다.

Japanese firm Naruse Inokuma Architects has designed a shared occupancy house in Nagoya with communal areas for eating, cooking and relaxing that encourage the residents to interact in different ways.
Photography is by Masao Nishikawa.


Naruse Inokuma Architects says the building was designed in response to the increasing demand in Japan for houses where unrelated individuals share kitchens, living spaces and bathrooms.
Whereas most of these homes are adapted from existing properties, the architects based this new build on the principles of communal living and the need "for complete strangers to naturally continue to share spaces with one another."
Bedrooms with identical dimensions are arranged across the building's three levels, with the voids between them housing an open plan living, dining and kitchen area and a rug space on the first floor.
"The shared and individual spaces were studied simultaneously and, by laying out individual rooms in a three-dimensional fashion, multiple areas, each with a different sense of comfort, were established in the remaining shared space," the architects explain.
A dining table near the entrance provides seating for large groups, while the kitchen counter, sitting room and rug space offer alternatives for smaller gatherings.
The 13 bedrooms each have a floor area of 7.2 square metres and the total floor space for each resident equates to 23 square metres, which the architects believe compares favourably to the world's many one-room apartments.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY