*트리플렉스 하우스 [ Jean Verville Architect ] NMBHD

캐나다 몬트리올에 위치한 트리플렉스 미니멀 하우스.
여러개의 주택을 결합하여 재 구성한 주거공간.
NMBHD is a minimal triplex located in Montreal, Canada, designed by Jean Verville Architect. The building is a combination of familiar realities, an assemblage of fragments of its neighborhood. There are three gardens that surround the home. Aiming to develop a real estate heritage for a young family from the Montreal’s Rosemont district, the NMBHD project offers spatial investigations reshaping the typology of the Montreal triplex. The playful approach proposed by the architect enabled Nancy Marie, Hugo, and little Jules to question their relationship to functionality as well as to compactness within their domestic spaces.

Photography by Felix Michaud


from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY