*타원형 중정 스쿨 [ Diana Kellogg ] Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School

Diana Kellogg-Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School
다이애나 캘러그
Set amid the Thar Desert near Jaisalmer in the western Indian state of Rajasthan, while the recently completed Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School may have opened its doors last November, it might as well have been standing there for centuries. New York based architect Diana Kellogg drew inspiration from the area’s vernacular architecture designing an oval sandstone structure that harmoniously blends in with the desert landscape as well as stands as a symbol of female empowerment.

Built by local craftspeople using local materials and techniques, the building is a model of both sustainability and community development. In a region where female literacy barely touches 36 percent, over 400 girls, who live below the poverty line, attend the school, from kindergarten to secondary school. As part of the GYAAN Center, which will also include two additional buildings by Kellogg,  a performance and art exhibition space, and an education facility where local artisans will teach mothers and other women weaving and embroidery techniques from the region — the school not only raises the bar for women’s education in Jaisalmer but also raises awareness surrounding the issues faced by women in India on a global scale.



인도 서부 라자스탄 주의 자이살메르 근처 사막 한가운데 새로운 학교가 들어선다. 지역의 토착 건축으로 부터 영감을 받아 설계된 학교는 거대한 타원형으로 사암을 이용하여 구축되었다. 타원형의 가운데는 거대한 중정이 자리하고, 타원을 따라 교실이 들어선다. 이러한 공간적 특징은 외부(사막과 외부환경)으로 부터 내부에 위치한 학생들을 보호하는 역활을 수행한다. 지속가능한 건축환경을 위해, 옥상에 태양광 패널을 설치, 조명과 팬에 전기를 공급한다. 


* 메가중정홀 [ Hassell ] ANZ Centre

메가 블록 중정 마치 건물 몇개가 합쳐져 하나의 건물화 되었네요. 각 블록군의 외부 테라스는 1층부터 천장까지 뚫린 보이드와 만나 멀티레이어층을 연출하네요. 빅보이드 공간은 친환경적으



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