*아톰 블루 오모테산도 스토어 [ SAKUMAESHIMA ] atmos BLUE Omotesando Store

SAKUMAESHIMA-atmos BLUE Omotesando Store

당연히 메인 스트리트와 가까운 전면부에 스니커즈를 배치한다. 가설 파이프 비계로 구성된 진열장에 주력 상품인 스니커즈를 집중적으로 배치하여 고객을 끌어 들인다. 아트리움에 설치한 그릿라인 소재의 라인조명을 통해 아톰 특유의 스트리트 감성을 느낄 수 있도록 인테리어 제안한다.


This interior project for atmos BLUE Omotesando is in a busy area just off Meiji dori and Omotesando intersection. For atmos, who continue to transmit high-street culture, it was necessary to create a space slightly out of the ordinary, detached from the context of the area, despite its location in Harajuku.

As one moves toward the back, the site becomes slightly irregularly shaped, with the rear side extending diagonally to the right from the midway of the store. Therefore, we decided to divide the impression of the store roughly into two areas beyond the facade, which plays an important role in communication and media.

Naturally, sneakers are placed in the front section near the main street. The store design focuses on sneakers, the main merchandise, to attract customers in a space composed of temporary single pipe scaffolding, with fixtures made of light iron as the base material of the interior to create a rough and abandoned impression. In addition, the interior was designed to evoke a street-like atmosphere typical of atmos by installing line lighting consisting of grit line material in the atrium.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY