*친환경 트레이닝 센터 [ Arte Charpentier Architectes ] Véolia Environnement Centre Est

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연평균 면적당 60키로와트 수준의 에너지를 소비하는 친환경 건축물이라는 점입니다.

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태양빛을 적절히 차단 및 유입시키는 조절 시스템으로 건축분야의 지속성을 적나라하게


reviewed by SJ

Located in Jonage, in the eastern suburbs of Lyon, this innovative and harmonious campus houses a professional training centre for environment, energy, transport, waste and water sectors. It is designed to reflect the Veolia group’s level of excellence in the field of environmental issues, and is arranged around a garden designed as an Agora. The campus is open, and south-facing to protect from northern winds, and displays optimum use of natural elements.

Architects: Arte Charpentier Architectes
Location: Rue Lionel Terray, ,
Architect In Charge: Jérôme le Gall & Sylvie Levallois
Interiors: Edith Richard
Landscape : Nathalie Leroy
Area: 8,7oo sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Geraldine Bruneel, Paul Kozlowski

The building is certified under French norms for Service Industry buildings- (HQE, BBC level), satisfying criteria for energy consumption below 60 kWhEP / m² year. The façades are covered in larch wood siding with sunshades. A Zinc skin with lens insertions and large glass facades create light, bright, and pleasant spaces.

Particular attention has been paid to the roof covering, so as to ensure good architectural and environmental coherence, combining green roofs and solar panels. This ambitious project enables Veolia Environnement to illustrate the demanding nature of its environmental concerns, by constructing and operating a «sustainable» campus.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY