*랜드마크, 복합주거 [ LOVE architecture and urbanism ] Doninpark

인상적인 시퀀스는 주위환경을 압도한다. 도인파크 프로젝트는 레지던스, 오피스, 리테일이 복합된 8층규모의 공동주거로 비엔나 22구역 (바로 뒷편에 Kagraner Platz 지하철 역사와 연결되는) 에 위치한다. 원대한 도시계획의 단계 중 하나인 랜드마크 계획은 광활한 인프라스트럭쳐로 밀집된 동측편과 전원도시의 쾌적한 풍경을 풍기는 서측편과의 통합, 합성을 요구하며 독특한 캐릭터가 살아 있는 건축환경을 표현한다. 이러한 건축은 주변환경을 투영한 'scaleless' 파사드로 다양한 크기의 알코브와 윈도우 오프닝을 디자인, 거대한 백색 볼륨과 함께 시선을 사로잡는 비쥬얼을 완성한다. (심미적인 효과를 위해 디자인된 자의적인 형태인 것 같지만 비엔나 마스터플랜의 요구조건을 충실히 수행하는 합리적인 공간계획을 지향한다.) 1층은 지하철 역사와 맞다 있는 쇼핑, 리테일이 배치되며 2층, 3층에는 오피스와 체력단련실이 배치된다. 4층부터 8층까지 자리한 공동주거는 각각 동측과 서측을 바라보며 발코니, 로지나 또는 알코브로 특색있는 거주환경을 완성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Doninpark project was developed as an eight-story residential, office and retail building, located in the 22nd district in Vienna, directly behind the “Kagraner Platz” subway stop. In terms of urban planning, this location is characterized be enormous leaps in scale: to the east lies a dense, urban area with extensive infrastructure, while the area to the west has a more suburban feel, with numerous single-family and multi-family dwellings and sports fields.

Architects: LOVE architecture and urbanism
Location: Vienna,
Design Team: DI Andreas Perchinig, DI Sabine Sternbach
Area: 15,000 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Jasmin Schuller

Load Bearing Structure Planner: ZT Kuttner
Construction Physics: ZT Kuttner
Hvac: TB Hausner
Fire Protection: TB Hausner
Electric Installations: TB Hausner
Client: Hart & Haring Bauträger GmbH
Construction Costs (€): 16,5 Mio

For this reason, the leap in scale also became the central design idea. The window openings and alcoves, which seem to be almost randomly placed, create a façade that is “scaleless”, just like the surrounding area. This makes it almost impossible for the viewer to capture the true dimensions of the building at first sight and effectively masks the true size and expanse of the building.

However, the size and expanse were essentially imposed, since the building exactly meets the requirements of Vienna’s master urban plan. One could thus say that the city of Vienna designed the building, and the building thus displays a kind of radical pragmatism (i.e. one does exactly what one is allowed to do).

The ground floor of the building houses a shopping zone that faces the subway stop, while the first and second floors feature office space and a gym. The third floor upwards is residential quarters. The apartments are oriented towards the east or west and can be accessed via a central aisle. Each residential unit is equipped with a balcony, loggia or alcove. The loggias are on the east side, thereby creating a distance to the street space.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY