*과거와 미래가 유기적으로 연계된 룩셈부르크의 과학 건물-[ be baumschlager eberle ] La Maison du Savoir - University of Luxembourg


Maison du Savoir는 미래의 아이콘이자, 과거를 회상하는 상징이 되기도 하다. 룩셈부르크 대학 캠퍼스의 새로운 포컬포인트인 이 곳은 Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes와의 협작으로 건설되었으며, 고도로 비주얼한 랜드마크로써 부상하였다. 한때는 벨반 구역의 철강 공장들이 들어찼던 이 곳이 새로운 과학 도시로써의 중심으로 발돋음 하였다. 


건물의 디자인은 국제 대회에서도 수상을 하였는데, 2007년부터 계획하여 2009년에 건설작업이 시작되었다. 이번 ‘지식의 하우스’는 복합단지의 조직적이면서도 상호소통의 핵심을 형성하고 있다. 수직적이면서도 수평적인 구조는 대학의 일반적인 인프라에 부응하고 있는데, 이곳은 2003년에 지어진 것이다. 이곳에는 강의를 위한 강당과 세미나실, 교시실 뿐만 아니라 협약 사무실들과 식당 시설들이 있다. 인접해 있는 개별 연구 건물은 중심에 위치한 건물에 연계되어 있고, 건물들의 전면은 Maison du Savoir과 도서관 건물을 향해 모여 있게 된다. 

내부에서는 각기 다른 다양한 사용 목적을 지닌 건물들을 넓직하게 프로그램하여 구분하였다. 다목적 구조는 유동적인 계획들을 가능하게 한다. 교실과 교수실은 연결되어있는 복도들과 다리와 광장등을 형성하며 이곳들은 외부 공간으로 직접 연결된다. 


The Maison du Savoir is both an icon of the future and a reminder of the past. Conceived by be baumschlager eberle as the focal point of the new University of Luxembourg campus and constructed in cooperation with Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes, the building is a striking and highly visible landmark. What was once the site of a steel plant in the Belval district of Esch-sur Alzette is now the centrepiece of the new Cité des Sciences.





  • Architects: be baumschlager eberle
  • Location: Avenue de l'Universite, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
  • Architects in Charge: Elmar Hasler, Marco Franzmann
  • Area: 53560.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Eduard Hueber
  • Design Team: Christian Bieber, Robert Urbanek, Daniela Concin, Xiao Fen, Christopher Heinzelmann, Gu Sung Lim
  • Associated Architects: cba Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes, Luxemburg, L
  • Static: Ingenieursbureau Jan Van Aelst BVBA
  • Building Technology: Jean Schmit Engineering

The design of the Maison du Savoir has its origins in an international competition won by be baumschlager eberle in association with Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes. Planning started in 2007 and construction work in 2009. “The ‘House of Knowledge’ forms the organisational and communications core of the complex”, says project leader, Elmar Hasler, explaining the underlying idea of the building.

The horizontally and vertically elongated structure accommodates the general infrastructure of the university, which was founded in 2003. This includes lecture halls, seminar rooms and professors‘ rooms as well as administrative offices and catering facilities. The adjacent buildings of the individual institutes clearly relate to the central location, their front ends being grouped around the Maison du Savoir and the planned library building.

The structure seeks to build a bridge to the past when steel was produced on the 27.3 hectare site at Terrace des Haut-Fourneaux. The 18-storey tower block matches the dimensions of the former steel furnaces. The floating sensation felt is due to the pre-stressed concrete constructions which project out from the second floor upwards. In urban development terms the Place du Saint’Esprit in the north is connected with the open spaces for the library and institute buildings in the south. The Maison du Savoir thus establishes an urban context without forfeiting its solitary position.

“In the interior we have devised a spatial programme which facilitates a variety of different uses”, says Elmar Hasler. The multi-purpose structure allows for flexible ground plan configurations. The teaching rooms and professors’ rooms are arranged to form a network of paths, bridges and squares which correspond directly with the outdoor space. Foyers and seating areas provide places to meet and talk.

Access to the upper levels of the building is via high stairwells which bring plenty of daylight to the areas that do not form part of the facade. The Maison has its own garden on the fourth floor of the horizontal block. Both the two-storey auditoria hover above the ground at the corners of the horizontal beam.

be baumschlager eberle have opted for a double-shell facade. The internal layer forms the building’s climatic barrier. The outer layer envelops the building with a steel honeycomb structure, which enables the degree of visibility and thus the amount of light to be regulated.

















from  archdaily




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