*스위스 대사관저 인 멕시코 [ FHV + Blancasmoran ] House of the Swiss Embassy in Mexico City

FHV + Blancasmoran-House of the Swiss Embassy in Mexico City
에프에이치브이 브란카스모렌
House of the Swiss Embassy in Mexico City is a minimal residence located in Mexico City designed by Fruehauf, Henry & Viladoms and Blancasmoran. Referencing both the context of the neighboring structures along with the ecological typology, the architects created a retreat that would maintain the identity of the surrounding site, respecting the footprint of the existing home. While concrete is the dominant material used throughout, terrazzo floors and black granite volumes add to the building’s striking appearance. Greenery and nature provide a softer composition juxtaposed alongside its geometrically defined austerity.

Photography by Rafael Gamo


멕시코에 위치한 스위스 대사관저는 최소의 건축을 지향하는 미니멀 주택입니다. 주변 거주환경의 연속성을 유지하는 동시에 장소의 고유한 정체성을 확보하기 위한 설계가 반영됩니다. 콘크리트를 바탕으로 테라조 바닥과 검은색 화강석 볼륨이 건물의 장중함과 고유함을 표현합니다.

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY