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nArchitects-Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center
2020년에 완공된 넷 제로 존스 비치 에너지 & 네이처는 방문객들에게 에너지 사용과 자연의 상호 의존성에 대해 교육하는 동시에 광범위한 커뮤니티를 위한 중요한 공공 편의시설과 공간을 제공합니다.
뉴욕주 공원, 레크리에이션 및 역사 보존국이 롱아일랜드 전력청(LIPA)과 협력하여 주도한 공공 및 민간 파트너십을 통해 탄생한 이 선구적인 건물과 조경은 뉴욕주의 탄소 중립적인 미래를 제시합니다. "모두를 위한 샬레"로 설계된 이 건물은 존스 비치 웨스트 엔드 2의 아름다운 자연 환경으로 통하는 관문 역할을 하는 동시에 방문객들이 환경 보호의 주체가 될 수 있도록 영감을 줍니다.
이 센터는 "자연의 힘"과 "에너지의 본질" 전시를 통해 존스 비치의 생태계, 경관 보존, 서식지 복원, 자연 에너지원, 에너지 효율적인 건물, 재생 에너지 기술, 극한 기후가 전력망에 미치는 영향 등의 주제에 초점을 맞춰 에너지와 자연의 상호 의존성을 탐구합니다.translate by DeepL
Completed in 2020, the net zero Jones Beach Energy & Nature educates visitors about the interdependence between energy use and nature, while also providing a significant public amenity and space for a broad community.
Born out of a public and private partnership spearheaded by New York State Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation in collaboration with Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), this pioneering building and landscape point to a carbon neutral future for New York State. Designed as a “chalet for all”, the building functions as a gateway to the stunning natural environment of Jones Beach West End 2, while inspiring visitors to become stewards of the environment.
Through the exhibits “The Power of Nature” and “The Nature of Energy”, the center investigates the interdependence of energy and nature, focusing on topics such as the ecosystems of Jones Beach, landscape conservation, habitat restoration, natural energy sources, energy efficient buildings, renewable energy technologies, and the impact of extreme weather on power networks.
At 330’ in length, the linear one story building rises from foundations belonging to a previous 1960s bathhouse, extended on either side to accommodate the Center’s educational program. As a result of resiliency measures, the building perches above the horizon, providing immersive views of the dunes and the Atlantic Ocean to its South. Future visitors may one day glimpse the vast offshore Empire Wind Project far out at sea.
A newly constructed landscape, reclaimed from 12 acres of demolished concrete parking, surrounds the building’s other sides with native plant species, immersing it in an expanding natural ecosystem. All the demolished concrete rubble has been reused on site as a sub base for the new resilient landscape: a poignant transformation of a site previously defined by the presence of thousands of vehicles.
The Center is organized around a series of interior volumes that house offices, support spaces, and classrooms, a continuous exhibition space flows from gallery to gallery, spilling out onto a perimeter shaded canopy and amphitheater. Characterized by sloping roofs and clerestory windows, the interior spaces are luminous. A mass timber roof structure resonates with the warmth of the building’s terracotta-colored radiant tile floor – a material nod to the former brick bathhouse.
from archdaily