The concept ride is meant to appeal to city dwellers long on cash but short on parking spaces. The very idea of a luxury car used to be synonymous with a big hulking sedan or SUV that declared your net worth through its outsize footprint. But then along came the Prius, driven by the likes of Tom Hanks and Leo DiCaprio. And then there's the fact that city dwellers, the richest consumers out there..
중국에서 6일만에 완성시킨 15층 규모의 호텔입니다. 기초가 되어있는 상태에서 골조공사에 46시간 외장공사에 90시간이 소요되었다고 합니다. 친환경 sustanable building이며 진도 9에 대응하는 내진스펙이 반영되어 있다는 설명도 있습니다. 상하이 엑스포에 맞춰서 발표된 동영상입니다. Level 9 Earthquake Resistance: diagonal bracing structure, light weight, steel construction, passed level 9 earthquake resistance testing 6x Less Material: even though the construction materials are much lighter(250kg/m2) than the t..
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater doubles the company’s previous facilities. The design by Bing Tom Architects included restoring two historic theaters, Fichandler and Kreeger, and adding a new experimental theater, Kogod Cradle. A wood and glass structure encase all three theaters topped by a sculptural and dramatic cantilevered roof. Bing Thom Architects thoughtful site desig..
‘Seeing things from different angles, changing the perception of what we are seeing’ – New Angles is an interactive installation reflecting the juxtaposition of subversive thinking and visual perception. The project was created by SuperNature, the knowed Shanghai based multi-discipline design company which is specialized in interactive design, visual communication & media technology. New Angles ..
Check out this project by London based firm, Haworth Tompkins. The firm renovated a dilapidated old building situated on the Dovecote Studio campus – an internationally renowned music campus at Snape Maltings, founded by Benjamin Britten which is currently undergoing an expansion. Nestleed within the shell of an abandoned building, the firm responded to the existing conditions with a touch of se..
Swiss design firm OOS have designed the interior of the Albert Reichmuth wine store in Zurich. Always considered to be an insider’s secret among wine lovers in the past, the Albert Reichmuth wine store is now opening its first showroom accessible to the public at Feldstrasse 62 in Zurich. “LA GALERIE DU VIN” is both a sales as well as a wine tasting and seminar venue and aims to appeal to regula..
Client: Holon Municipality Location: Holon, Israel Size: Gross Area 4100m², Net 3200m² 2004 - 2010 Team: Ron Arad (Principal Designer), Asa Bruno (Project Architect), James Foster. Client Representative: Hannah Hertzman (General Director, Holon Municipality) Project Director (Client): Jacob Eben (General Director Holon Municipality Development Corporation Ltd.) Executive Arch. (Israel): Sharon B..
Seeking to provide relevant designs to the Hungarian scene and the international body of work, POS1T1ON carefully studies and researches prior to beginning their designs. Their multi-disciplinary methodology ensures that their work maintains an innovative approach and that the pieces communicate clearly to the design community. With work in object design, visual design and space design, POS1T1ON..
The Barcelona architecture firm XV Studio has shared with us their proposal for the new Angola Central Highlands University, where they were a part of the four team short list for the international competition. Proposal images and the architects description after the break. TRACING LUSONA PATTERNS AROUND THE POOLS OF LIGHT “Learning, a young boy enjoys making sand drawings with his fingers… thes..
Last week we posted about the new installation by David Letellier and Lab [au] for their gallery in Brussels. Now we have some great new details, supplied by Jerome Decock of Lab[au]. The installation was inspired by the notion of ”tessellation”, a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane units. It includes a suspended topography of 4 x 2 m, subdivided into forty triangu..