Created by Karl D.D. Willis, Beautiful Modeler is an iPad and Desktop openFrameworks application for gestural sculpting using iPad as a multi-touch controller. Each finger is used to control a single touch point in the model, with multiple layers working to build up 3D volume. As the controller is connected over the wireless network, it can be moved freely to change the viewing angle of the mode..
Architects: Square One Interiors Location: Vancouver, Canada Project area: 535 sqm Project year: 2010 Photographs: Ihor Pona from archdaily
敷地面積: 110.55㎡(33.44坪) 構造 / 規模: 鉄筋コンクリート造 / 7階建 延べ面積: 341.38㎡(103.27坪) 設計期間: 2006.03 - 2006.04 施工期間: 2006.05 - 2007.03 構造設計: エスアンドエフ 一級建築士事務所 施工: 真柄建設株式会社 参考価: 10500万円~ (本体工事 + 設計監理) 「繰り返しパターンの窓に同じ間取り」 アパート/マンションだからと諦められていた部分がデザインの大きな課題となっています。その中でコスト的に厳しい小さな集合住宅で挑戦し、そして生み出されたのがこの集合住宅です。 「片山集合住宅」は全10戸の小さな集合住宅。基本はフラットプランだが一部に2層の天井高を持つメゾネット住戸が積み木細工のように組み込まれていま す。その様子は南側正面のファサードを見れば一目瞭然。断面のカタチがそのままフ..
Architects: Huus og Heim Architecture Location: Ullensvang, Hardanger Fjord, Norway Client: Norwegian Public Roads Administration Structural engineer: Dipl. Ing. Florian Koche AS Landscape architect: Thor Sigurd Thorsen Project area: 500 sqm Design year: 2009 Images: Courtesy of Huus og Heim Architecture The project is located along Sørfjorden in Hardanger, Norway. The project is a part of the N..
LLove is an engaging exhibition currently on display during Tokyo Designers Week 2010. Taking it one step beyond the norm, LLove is a proper hotel (albeit a temporary one) where guests can spend the night (or a few nights) and enjoy the expertly designed rooms, handcrafted furniture, and even a café with Japanese chefs and some shops (souvenirs, books). LLove even boasts its very own ‘Bathroom G..
Urban Landscape Group have designed the Corvin Gate Public Light in Budapest, Hungary. The public premise renewal program called 3K – Köztéri Kulturális Keresztez?dés (Public premises Cultural Crossing)” will come to fruition between the fall of 2010 and spring of 2011, within the confines of which the crossing of Ferenc boulevard and Üll?i street and a part of Üll?i street will be renewed. The ..
Japanese architect Daisuke Motogi has designed the “Lost in Sofa” chair that allows you to insert objects into it, such as a book or a TV remote control. from contemporist
Architect Werner van der Meulen has sent us photos of a redevelopment of an old house situated in the Northern part of South Africa. from contemporist
One look at her accomplishments and you know that Silvia Tcherassi is a force of nature. Perhaps best known as a dynamic designer, she has gained much recognition in the world of fashion for her vibrant collections and her creativity. For the past 15 years, Tcherassi has drawn a path and much buzz for herself in the industry, showing her prêt-a-porter collections at the Paris and Milan shows. Sh..
Bercy Chen Studio have designed a multi-use building in Austin, Texas. 1111 East 11th is a three story mixed use project in the revitalized 11th Street Corridor of Austin TX. The ground floor is divided between a musical instrument shop and boutique retail outlet. The second floor is reserved for office tenants, with residential spaces on the top floor. Volumetrically, the shifting floor plates ..