Paolo Cossu Architects-Phaidon Press Headquarters 파울로 코쉬 아키텍츠 Phaidon’s move to the new headquarters in the Sugar House Island development brought an interesting challenge in terms of spatial coordination and design. Despite the publisher’s continually growing storage requirement for books and other published material, the new space was smaller than the previous office in Kings Cross. This provi..
AGi Architects- Wafra Living 에이지아이 아키텍츠 Wafra Living‘s design by AGi architects proposes an innovative housing organization in Kuwait, a new type of multi-family living as a social response to housing needs in the country. The design is guided by the requirements contemporary life while balancing traditional norms, and reintroduces urban life to the building level. Wafra Living is designed as a ..
Ameller Dubois-Pau Republic Complex 아메러 두보이스 In the southwest of France, facing the Pyrenees Mountain, the “Complexe de la République” built-in 1975 in Pau, had been declining for several years due to the dilapidation of its covered market, flanked by a squat office building in very poor condition. After an international competition, the Ameller Dubois’s studio project was chosen by proposing a ..
MAENA Design Conecta-ABF Place Headquarters 메나디자인 커넥타-에이비에프 플레이스 헤드쿼터 Designing the new headquarters for ABF Developments was full of invigorating challenges. The first one was to represent a groundbreaking innovative company, focused on designing real estate properties that correspond directly to the customers’ needs and longings. Assuring that this rigorous public felt connection to the projec..
robert stone -rosa muerta 로버트 스톤-로사 뮤타 following acido dorado in the arid landscape of joshua tree, LA-based architect robert stone has erected the symbolic antithesis to traditional dessert architecture. a structure classically massed and proportioned at times skewed with rebellious eccentricities stands boldly contrasting its natural surroundings. a rich palette of dark hues and textures breat..
rotunnojustman-Living on the Roof 건축의 지향점은 도시경관을 준수하는 건축범위 내에서 진행됩니다. 이는 합리적인 비용으로 거주공간의 채광 및 내구성 확보를 이야기 합니다. 그리고 총 3개의 레벨의 거주공간을 하나로 묶는 작업입니다. 작업은 2020년 5월에 시작하여, 2021년 2월에 완료 되었습니다. In Paris, the scarcity of land partly explains the city’s low housing production capacity. The research for alternatives to densification must be encouraged. The Rotunno Justman architectural firm has just raised ..
Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten-house k 집으로 들어가기 위해서는 도로에 면해 있는 넓은 브릿지를 건너, 건물의 최상층에 있는 현관으로 가야 합니다. 현관이 위치한 최상층에는 차고와 게스트룸, 그리고 넓고 개방된 거실이 배치됩니다. 최대한의 개방감과 투명성을 지향하도록 설계되었으며, 이에 따라 독립적인 주방도 개방감 있는 공간으로 구현되었다. 남측 전체는 통유리로 설치되었으며, 테라스가 배치, 경사면 아래로 펼쳐지는 환상적인 전망을 제공합니다. In the far north of the Bregenzerwald lies the small community of Sulzberg on the ridge of the same-named mountain. We built..
Studio DIAA-Portage Bay Float Home 외부를 보기 전까지는 오늘 소개할 집이 수상가옥인줄은 몰랐다. 물 위에 플로팅되어 있는 집의 장점은 정적인 물의 전망을 하염없이 볼 수 있는 풍경을 제공한다는 점이다. 현대적인 심플함으로 디자인한 내부와 외부와 적극적인 호흡을 위한 전창은 오래된 수상가옥의 리모델링 흔적을 찾아 볼 수 없을 정도로 세련된 건축환경을 보여준다. Portage Bay Float Home is a minimal house located in Seattle, Washington, designed by Studio DIAA. The project began as a renovation but quickly shifted during demolition when the ..
A Partition In The Living Room Creates Space For A Home Office In This Apartment 대만에 위치한 아파트 인테리어 디자인은 주거공간과 홈오피스 기능을 조화롭게 구성하는 것을 목표로 설정되었습니다. 열린 거실을 구분짓는 낮은 파티션을 경계로 쇼파와 TV가 위치한 거실과 업무용 책상과 캐비넷이 설치된 오피스공간으로 구성됩니다. When designing the interior of this apartment in Taiwan, Life Creator Design included a multi-functional living space that can be used as both a living room and a home office. The li..
Yiannis Pouspourikas Design Studio-BLAC 커피와 블랙. From Farm to Filter was the procedure we followed to embrace this new concept in creating this Processing / Tasting Room as a bidirectional space offering entrance from both main city roads. The area was divided in two main subspaces, one for the processing and the other as a tasting room. This was a holistic approach by our studio, we created the ..