1889년도에 건립된 호텔, Carringbush Hotel를 새로운 지역문화의 중심공간으로 리노베이션 작업 Built in 1889 as The Friendly Societies Hotel, The Carringbush Hotel, as it is now known, has been a cornerstone of Abbotsford’s social history. Within the walls of a Victorian-era pub in Abbotsford, Melbourne, DesignOffice has created an elegant fashion showroom that doubles as a private residence. A paredback approach to restoring th..
브리즈웨이 하우스는 친자연적인 견고한 재료를 이용하여 섬세하며 디테일한 거주공간을 완성한다. 매력적인 기하하적 공간형태는 정형적인 구조적 배치를 바탕으로 구성된다. along the coastal region of new south wales, david boyle architect’s breezeway house is nestled among a garden grove of pine trees and figs. the project offers a playful retreat destination for holidays at the beach. situated within a block subdivided with complex, trapezoidal boundaries, the linear build..
주택의 디자인 방향성은 거주자에게 지속가능하며 안락한 거주공간을 제공하는 주택설계에 있습니다. 이를 위해 벽, 지붕, 바닥은 공간을 구획하지 않고, 전체 오픈 플랜을 만들기 위한 장치로 설계됩니다. yaneura design occupies 'MOH' house in kyoto with a steel grid for flexible living titled ‘MOH’, this house by yaneura design has been configured to be as flexible for its inhabitants as possible. located in the japanese city of kyoto, the project is defined by a steel grid that occupie..
일본 도코에 위치한 티하우스는 미니멀 스페이스를 지향하는 공간입니다. 일본 전통창고 "구라"를 재해석한 내부공간은 과거와 현재가 공존하는 장소로, 독특한 장면을 연속시킵니다. T-House is a minimalist space located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Schemata Architects. The goal of this project was to dismantle an old “kura” (Japanese traditional warehouse) in Kawagoe, transport the components to the site and reassemble them to create a new space. Instead of simply reassembling ..
장중한 이미지는 엄격한 모듈과 치수를 통해 구현된 건축어휘와 담백한 콘크리트 덩어리가 만나는 앙상블로 나타난다. It is located in the Konosusan scenic area at an altitude of about 100m in the center of Fukuoka city. The flagpole-shaped site has a view and a quiet environment where the wind can escape, and from the east side, you can see the same scenery unique to the scenic area where you can worship the sunrise on Mt. Shioji. In the current si..
용산구에 위치한 태닝 인 더 시티는 스튜디오 프래그먼트가 설계한 미니멀 스페이스 입니다. 길고 좁은 복도로 연결된 두개의 비워진 공간은 휴식과 여백을 전달하는 장소 입니다.Tanning in the City is a minimalist space located in Yongsan-gu, South Korea, designed by Studio Fragment. The site was an empty square. The architects designed narrow corridors between each space. By creating a space that was not visually transparent at once made for a longer perceived journey from o..
친화적인 재료의 사용으로 편안한 공간을 생성하는 카페 인테리어 디자인Minatomirai Café is the newest Blue Bottle Coffee in Yokohama, Japan, designed by Keiji Ashizawa, with furniture by Norm Architects. Adjacent to the park, the Blue Bottle Coffee Café is designed as a glass-walled open space, with soft and welcoming curves in combination with natural wooden surfaces. Keiji Ashizawa is the lead architect and designer of the Bl..
새로운 Kaiserswerther하우스의 고유한 캐릭터 구현은 보편적 기능공간과 재료의 균형감으로 형성된 따뜻한 미니멀 주거로 나타난다. Townhouses Sankt Göres is a minimalist town house located in Düsseldorf, Germany, designed by NIDUS. The architecture of the Kaiserswerther town house and the historic building on Sankt Göres Straße is characterized by clear shapes, natural materials and an unconstrained reduction to the essentials. Instead of excessive..
지역문화를 연속시키는 장소의 재발견. 시간의 흐름이 새겨진 공간을 현재 문화와 소통의 장소로써 재구성합니다. Site Original Situation Situated right in the center of Songyang County, the Confusion Temple and Chenghuang Temple district has been a public activity center and spiritual center for Songyang people since the ancient time, which contains characterized buildings of different historical periods. However, this once spiritual and cultural..
House in Yoga is a minimal residence located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Keiji Ashizawa. The land is rectangle long from north to south, and a house next door was built very close to the edge of the land on the east side required us to consider having patio in the center to take natural light into the space. The architects intentionally planned the entrance to be next to the patio which makes a..