장중한 이미지는 엄격한 모듈과 치수를 통해 구현된 건축어휘와 담백한 콘크리트 덩어리가 만나는 앙상블로 나타난다. It is located in the Konosusan scenic area at an altitude of about 100m in the center of Fukuoka city. The flagpole-shaped site has a view and a quiet environment where the wind can escape, and from the east side, you can see the same scenery unique to the scenic area where you can worship the sunrise on Mt. Shioji. In the current si..
덴마크 프레데릭에 위치한 60년대 아파트 외관 리모델링 작업 입니다. 코펜하겐 설계사무소, Tegnestuen LOKAL가 디자인한 새로운 외관은 이전 노후된 건물의 모습을 지우는 것에 그치지 않고, 새로운 아이텐티를 부여함으로써 장소의 활력을 불어 넣습니다. Copenhagen based architectural firm Tegnestuen LOKAL has designed the modern facade renovation of an apartment building in Frederiksberg, Denmark. The original building was created in the 1960s and over time it became dilapidated and was considered to ..
용산구에 위치한 태닝 인 더 시티는 스튜디오 프래그먼트가 설계한 미니멀 스페이스 입니다. 길고 좁은 복도로 연결된 두개의 비워진 공간은 휴식과 여백을 전달하는 장소 입니다.Tanning in the City is a minimalist space located in Yongsan-gu, South Korea, designed by Studio Fragment. The site was an empty square. The architects designed narrow corridors between each space. By creating a space that was not visually transparent at once made for a longer perceived journey from o..
미니멀한 휴양주택은 휴식을 위한 공간으로 최대한 자연과 밀접한 건축환경을 제공한다.Alculco is a minimal residence located in Aculco, Mexico, designed by PPAA. Aculco is a holiday home completely isolated in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature. It is the ideal place to get in contact with the most elemental states, and get rest from modern living by situating within a natural environment. The plot was found by two brothers wh..
Sustainable architecture in an urban context The last apartments in the SSA Architekten-designed Weltpostpark development are now occupied. The striking six-storey residential buildings have an urban feel about them, while the park-like surroundings and the varied clinker brick facades create a homely atmosphere. What's more, high-quality architecture also includes affordable residential units, ..
프리케스트 공법으로 구축된 미니멀 콘크리트 파빌리온은 나무를 재해석한 형상으로 하늘과 들판을 향해 뻗어 있다. 자연과 인공적인 경계에 있는 것처럼 시간에 따른 다양한 빛과 그림자를 생성, 인상적인 장면을 연출한다.In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building for facilitating the county’s culture and art education in Xiuwu, Henan. However, considering the vast serving area (630-square-kilometer county area) and the difficulty..
벨기에 브르쉘에 위치한 미니멀 갤러리 프로젝트.정제된 회색공간을 바탕으로 따뜻한 감성의 목재가 공간의 균형감을 맞춘다. Xavier Hufkens is a minimalist gallery space located in Brussels, Belgium, designed by Bernard Dubois Architects. Xavier Hufkens is one of Europe’s leading galleries for contemporary art. Located in Brussels, the gallery maintains a diverse program with solo exhibitions by multiple generations of leading artists and estates. The ..
채광에 불리한 기존 아파트 평면구조를 극복하기 위해 최대한 오픈플랜으로 리노베이션, 적극적인 자연채광을 유도하는 따뜻한 거주공간을 확보한다. Athenian apartment buildings, modernist, multi-storey volumes known as polikatoikies which proliferated in the second half of the 20th century, may have been lauded for offering affordable housing to millions of citizens but they’ve also contributed to the city’s notoriously ugly urban sprawl while providing far from ..
AAS’ BAM office is located in the middle of the city, in Kreuzberg, and takes place in the beautiful and bold new building designed by BCO Architects. BAM took over from the back building the ground floor with the garden and the first floor with a total of 246sqm space interiors. Each of the 2 floors is made of a consistent long rectangle room taking the whole plot of the building. In keeping wi..
도시의 역사적 맥락을 고려한 건물의 볼륨은 2층 규모로 설정되었다. 하지만 필요한 공간을 확보하기 위해 지하공간을 계획, 추가하였다. 내부 지향적인 공간적 특징은 외부로는 닫힌 모습을 내부로는 천창으로 부터 수직으로 지하까지 열린 공간을 연출하였다. ABAR office introduces its cheshm-o-cheragh bazaar to mashhad, iran’s second sprawling city and one of the largest religious capitals in the world. the area had been struggling with numerous social problems, becoming known as an ‘anti-dialogue city.’ urban d..